Yi qi

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phylum Chordata Yi is a genus of scansoriopterygid dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of China. Its only species, Yi qi is known from a single fossil specimen of an adult individual found in Middle or Late Jurassic of Hebei, China, approximately 160 million years ago. It was a small, possibly tree-dwelling (arboreal) animal. Like other scansoriopterygids, Yi possessed an unusual, elongated third finger, that helped to support a membranous gliding plane made of skin. The planes of Yi qi were also supported by a long, bony strut attached to the wrist. This modified wrist bone and membrane-based plane is unique among all known dinosaurs, and might have resulted in wings similar in appearance to those of bats.

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clade Diapsida
clade Dinosauria
order Theropoda
clade Pennaraptora
genus †Yi
species †Y. qi
Epoch Jurassic, 160 Ma